"Typies Casting cast acteurs, semi-acteurs en edels voor commercials, bedrijfsfilms, online-content, films en televisie. Typies biedt storytelling d.m.v. casting research aan. Typies cast en boekt modellen voor reclamefotografie en verzorgt tevens streetcasting projecten door heel Nederland"

Joey Ploch | Head of Casting

Joey Ploch is the head of casting director with over 10 years of experience as a casting director and booker.


Arnan Samson | Managing Director

Arnan Samson, managing director, heeft meer dan 15 jaar ervaring als castingdirector en is tevens producent bij BazarMedia.

Typies Casting has the casting facility to help with all of your casting needs. We cast actors, semi-actors, specials, models, dancers and extras for film, television, print campaigns, corporate films and online productions and have been doing so since 2007. Finding real stories through casting research for storytelling jobs or setting up street castings to find that one special look; Typies Casting can help you out! Typies Casting is defined by it’s incredible passion, organization, efficiency, and the ability to bring the director’s vision to life.

Arnan Samson
Arnan Samson, managing director, has over 15 years experience as a casting director. ‘The most important thing about casting is ‘listening’. With that in mind you literally hear and see which talent is the right one. I love people and their stories, I enjoy unexpected talent and thinking outside the box.

Joey Ploch
Joey Ploch is the head of casting director with over 10 years of experience as a casting director and booker. My heart pounds faster when I hear the word ‘casting’. Every day I get the chance to work with inspiring talent, stumble into the most fascinating scenes and to make a lot of people happy’

Typies Casting works with a lot of experienced freelancers; as well as casting directors, bookers, street casters, child attendants and set assisstants.

Full Service
Iedereen is bijzonder. Typies heeft een groot en professioneel acteursbestand in Nederland en Europa, een heel divers modellenbestand, de meest bijzondere specials en scout tevens talent d.m.v. streetcasting door heel Nederland.

Involvement, working together and thinking ahead
Typies is the Dutch word for ‘Typical’. We believe in a transparent and a no-nonsense work mentality. For us, it’s important to be involved with every project and to care so we can strive, together with our client, to the most beautiful and best final results. Working together and thinking ahead is what we stand for.

Contact us!
Are you curious about Typies Casting? For casting requests, questions about financing your upcoming project or presentation, please contact us via info@typies.nl or by phone 020 685 1425